Thursday 26 August 2021

2D shapes


Up and up and up

Up and up and up is a song from cold play the song has imaginary things like whales in the sky. I’m going to tell you 5 imaginary things that  I liked in this video. So my first imaginary thing I liked in the video was when popcorn was popping out of a volcano. My second one was when the turtle was floating while the trains were taking off. My third one was when the gymnast was doing a back flip until fire exploded. My fourth one was when the girl was diving in  a pool full of clouds. My last but not least my favourite one was a huge giant seagull underwater.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Maui and the giant fish


Multiplication task


My pets

Hi my name is Imogen and I’m going to tell you about my pets. So first I had a 13 year old German Shepard called ceaser. He was fine until. It was my sister’s 10th birthday. Eva got a new dog but we had to get it in Rotorua. I said to myself but we got ceaser. So we left to Rotorua when we got to the house we finally discovered we were going to get a bulldog . When our dad brought him in the van. He was just a little puppy and he was so cute. Eva remembered the name we should give him and the name was maximus. Eden and Eva was busy figuring a song for him. While I was petting him while

he was on my lap.when were finally home we took maxi to ceaser. Ceaser sniffed maxi and he wanted to bite him because he was jealous. Over the days maxi grew as a rough  bulldog but ceaser was growing to be old. One time when I saw them fighting I growled them both .ceaser went in that corner maxi went in the other. After l went back inside they started to fight again. One day it was time for maxi to say goodbye to ceaser it it was to late the next day ceaser passed away. Every other day maxi grew more naughtier but mostly he grew more loneliness. One day we adopted him with my older brother’s friends and he was happy because the owners had maxi’s brother Arlo. We still got to visit him and there you have it the story of my pet’s.